Saturday, April 21, 2007

The West Point Boys - George Brinton McClellan

George B. McClellan just wasn't an army commander, he was also a brillant engineer. A native of Philadelphia he entered the academy of West Point from the University of Pennsylvania and graduated in 1846 second in his class. He earned two brevets under Winfield Scott in Mexico. In 1855 he was promoted to Captain in the cavalry. He traveled overseas to study European armies and invented the McClellan Saddle. He resigned his commission on January 16, 1857 to enter railroad engineering. At the start of the Civil War he reentered military life, assigned to the Ohio Volunteers on April 23, 1861. He commanded the Ohio Militia and the Army of Occupation. On July 25th, 1861 George B McClellan was assigned major general, commander of the Army of the Potomac.Dubbed 'The Young Napoleon' his engineering and organizational skills shined brightly as the mighty Army of the Potomac, became a fighting machine. In December of 1861 he was downed by typhoid and this prolonged delays for the Union Army.

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