Sunday, April 15, 2007

Engagement at Boonville - June 17, 1881

General Nathaniel Lyon issued orders for his Union soldiers to advance on Jefferson City, the state capitalof Missouri. Lyon arrived on June 14th with 2,000 troops to learn that the secessionist state government had fled up the Mssouri River toward Boonville, another 50 miles away. Lyon quickly formed a provisional Unionist state government and left a garrison at Jefferson City to preserve order. He then loaded the rest of his force into three steamers and proceeded up the river in pursuit. Lyon disembarked his men several miles below Boonville and, marching along the river road, came upon a small blocking force of secessionists under the command of Colonel John S. Marmaduke. After a short cannonade Lyon ordered an attack, and the poorly armed, outnumbered Rebel force turned and fled in retreat. In military terms the fight at Boonville was insignificant and casualties were light. The Union had firm control of the Missouri River.

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