There is nothing purer than honesty, nothing sweeter than charity, nothing warmer than love, nothing richer than wisdom, nothing more steadfast than faith. Those united in one mind form the purest, the sweetest, the warmest, the richest, the brightest and the most steadfast happiness. Here is some advice also, youth of the Wright clan; that has been taught for years to the youth of the Wright clan; be this they simple plan, Serve God and love they brother man. Forget not in temptation's hour that sin lends sorrow double power. Count life a state upon they way, and follow conscience, come that may, alike with Heaven and Earth sincere, with hand and brow and bosom clear, Fear God and know no other fear. May we of later years emulate the kindly spirit of our forefathers, and keep their precepts, thus doing them honor, and cheering on the world in its struggle of life, as well. We bless God that among the possibilities of humanity is a grand old age. Old men have blessed the world in all generations. They have blessed the secular world, and it has been so in the religious world as well. It was the aged Saint John who wrote the book of Revelation, by means of which we, receive our highest conceptions of heaven. Do not say I must do so and so, just go and do it, and come back and say it is done. Do not put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Always be kind to all whom you meet. The bravest of men are the most tender hearted. Love God and fear no man. Sometimes the sun seems to hang in the western horizon for half an hour, only just to show how glorious it can be. The day is done, the heat of shinning is over, and the beauty of the western skies baffle description. So God seems to let some of his people linger in the west after their work is done, that men may look on them and see how beautiful they are. Some are lingering there now; do you behold their beauty, shining out though Christ Jesus?
Rev. Fred Wright
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