Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Story Begins...

This story begins out on the east coast in the mid 1880's prior to the outbreak of the Civil War. It is the story and struggle of various members of my family tree as they moved to the Midwest to take hold of their share of the frontier that was then America. Every single person in my family for generations upon generations has been from the North, blue bellied Yanks through and through!
The Wright's ventured out to the big woods of Wisconsin from Erie, New York and settled around Mackford in Green Lake County where they began to farm.
The Rinehimer's came from Hanover, Pennsylvania and settled in Elgin, Illinois where they ran a sawmill.
The Woods also came to Wisconsin to farm from Franklin, Pennsylvania. They had married into the women folk of the Fletcher Clan from Cambridge, England. They made the journey to stake a claim in midwest soil with their eight children in toll. Along with the Fletchers the Tuck family tagged along from Wyoming County, PA.
The Hawkins were from Providence, Rhode Island and came to the furtile dirt of Wisconsin to farm.
The Spees family came from Maine and settled in Plainfield, Wisconsin where they also took up farming.
The Stevens family traveled to Elgin, Illinois via bean town but even before then they were from Maine. The Radcliffe's were also from Maine but had of late resided in Boston, Mass.
The Hawns had already resided on the frontier in Neosho, Wisconsin for a good long time and their eldest lad married one of the pretty Wood girls.
These families were to become linked in more ways then one...

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